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Machine Learning Training at Eduva Tech​

Originating at Eduva Tech to learn Machine Learning Online Course training programme is specifically designed to equip individuals to learn updated skills and get experience needed to become successful in this fastest flourish field in today’s world. This programme offers you to enrol to access personalised training programmes that cater to the special needs and goals set goal of each of one student to ensure they are taking proper attention or guidance required to perform excel in this field. Trainers will provide you proper access to get real-world tools and technology which students can gain hands-on experience in this industry and start working on real world scenarios based mimic projects. Eduva Tech experts instructors provide you with core knowledge and complete support throughout the program and make sure that all students are prepared to succeed in their career path. After your course ends students will be prized by Machine Learning Certificate and will be ready for this exciting field.

Benefits of About Machine Learning​ at Eduva Tech​​

Eduva Tech allows you to learn from your comfort zone by offering Machine Learning Course Online where you can opt for a machine learning certification course. The machine is a widely used and fastest growing field with a vast array of applications for this industry ranging from healthcare to the finance sector.  This ML course Online will provide students skills and knowledge needed to excel at the top in this flourishing field. As an advantage of this program, students will get hands-on real-world-based scenarios and lab experience under personalized training by expert instructors who will ensure their progress and guide them to become more prime for this profile work. You will get access to learn under industry expert professional trainers.

Paramount is opting for Eduva Tech’s machine learning course training by a real professional industry expert trainer and will get real practical experience gained through hands-on projects. Once students work on real-world scenario-based problems and develop workable ones by using the latest machine-learning techniques. 

This real-based experience is prized when searching for utilization in this field. On the other hand, you will be trained under IT professionals who have many years of experience working in this, and so can students with individualized attention and guidance.

At length, Eduva Tech trained to become the next IT expert by learning under industry professionals. This proper knowledge and hands-on experience will become worthless once students start seeking employment in this industry. All-inclusive, Eduva Tech is the wonderful decision for opting ML Certification training course for those who are actively looking for an absolute to build a successful career in this potent and accomplishment in IT.

Machine Learning Course Outline

  • What Is Machine Learning
  • Requirement for Machine
  • Software Installation for ML
  • Some important Python
  • Different DS, DL & ML
  • Application of ML
  • Types of ML Algorithms
  • Life Cycle Of ML
  • Assignments
  • Overview
  • Linear Regression
  • Logistic Regression
  • Polynomial Regression
  • Stepwise Regression
  • Ridge Regression
  • Lasso Regression
  • ElasticNet Regression
  • Overview
  • Logistic Regression
  • Naive Bayes Classifier
  • K-Nearest Neighbor. (KNN)
  • Support Vector Machines. (SVM)
  • Overview
  • Decision Trees
  • Decision Trees for classification and Regression
  • Boosted Trees.
  • Bagging
  • Random Forest
  • Overview
  • Types of Clustering Algorithms
  • K Means Clustering
  • Hierarchical Clustering
  • Difference between K Means and Hierarchical clustering
  • Applications of Clustering
  • Types of Association Algorithms
  • Apriori Algorithm
  • Eclat Algorithm

About Training


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