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Digital Marketing Training at Eduva Tech​

Digital Marketing is a demanded and fastest growing industry. This is the best and latest trends of the digital marketing era.The Eduva Tech offers you to enrol for specific designed courses by professionals with all concerts based on real world scenarios to make experts in this digital marketing field. 

In this digital marketing course you will cover all various aspects such as digital marketing, social media marketing, search engine optimization, content marketing , email marketing and so on. Eduva Tech provides  hands-on experience with real-world based projects which will allow students to apply their knowledge and skill practically.

This will be taught by highly experienced industry professionals of this field. We personalised training program are also accessible for all individual needs of each student. Overall, The Eduva Tech provides you  a  well grounded foundation for who is excited to excel in this dynamic field.

Benefits of Digital Marketing Training​ at Eduva Tech​​

  • Digital Marketing is flourishing rapidly and it is a crucial component of any successful business strategy and companies are actively seeking skilled professionals who can manage their online presence. Eduva Tech offers extensive digital marketing course training that covers all various aspects of the field like search engine optimization, social media advertising, email marketing, etc. This training course also provides live practical training experience on real-world case studies by expert trainers.
  • The best thing about learning Online digital marketing courses by Eduva Tech is the personalized approach to learning. This program is specially designed for each of the student’s needs. The expert trainer will provide exclusive guidance and support throughout the training sessions. This personalized program is monitored by professionals to ensure that students acquire the knowledge and skills needed to become successful in this field.
  • Another advantage of this digital marketing training course is gaining practical knowledge through live practical-based projects. Students will work on projects that will simulate real-world scenarios and allow them to practice their knowledge on a practical basis by providing live projects. This practical experience is invaluable for building a strong foundation for a  career in the digital marketing field.
  • The prominent and absolute training in digital marketing with Eduva Tech in addition provides you access to a network of industry professionals. Eduva students will acquire opportunities to connect with industry-experienced professionals. Ascertain proper knowledge of updated insights and trainer guidance to succeed in this industry. The Eduva Tech Mentor network will also lead to the best opportunity for career magnification.
  • Altogether, Eduva Tech Online Training Course is properly designed and well-structured for marketing students. Eduva prepares you with a solid foundation for individuals who are seriously looking to make a career in the fastest-growing marketing skills. We personalized the approach for practical experience and make this program an excellent choice for your interest in digital marketing.

Digital Marketing Course Outline

  • What is marketing & digital marketing?
  • Understanding marketing & digital marketing process?
  • Website Creation
  • Understanding about internet,
  • Website, domain, Web server,
  • Web hosting etc.
  • Planning of a website
  • HTML  Basic
  • About CMS & creating website in wordpress
  • What is SEO?
  • What are search engines & their functions?
  • Understanding traffic , keywords etc.
  • On-page Optimization
  • On-page SEO
  • What is onpage SEO?
  • Keyword Research with google keyword planner
  • Domain Selection & URL Structuring
  • Head Section Optimization
  • Meta Tag optimization
  • Redirection Tags
  • SEO Friendly Content Writing
  • Heading Optimization
  • Keyword Density, Spamming Stuffing
  • LSI (Latent Semantic Indexing)
  • Image optimization
  • Video Marketing
  • Robots File Creation
  • Sitemap Creation & Submission (HTML & XML)
  • Website Tracking Tools (Google Analytics, Google Webmaster Tools)
  • Off-Page SEO
  • What is OFF page SEO?
  • Why offpage is important
  • What are backlinks?
  • Backlinks creation methods
  • Difference between do follow & no follow backlinks
  • What is google page rank
  • How to increase google page rank
  • Web directory submissions
  • Social bookmarking
  • Article writing & submission
  • Press release writing & submission
  • Comment Blogging
  • Classifieds Postings
  • Forum Posting
  • Link Exchange (one way, two way & three way)
  • Search engine submissions

Google Business listing (Google Maps)

  • Understanding in organic search results
  • Introduction to google adwords & PPC Advertising
  • Overview of Microsoft Adcenter (Bing & Yahoo)
  • Setting up google adwords account
  • Understanding adwords account structure
  • Campaigns, adgroups, Ads, keywords, etc.
  • Types of Advertising Campaigns search, display, video
  • Difference between search & display campaign
  • How does adwords rank ads
  • Understanding adwords algorithm (adrank) in detail with examples
  • What is quality score
  • Why quality score is important what is CTR?
  • Why CTR is important Understanding Bids
  • Advanced level bid strategies
  • Enhanced CPC
  • What are flexible bidding strategies
  • Understanding ad-extensions
  • Types of ad-extensions
  • Adding ad-extensions in our campaign
  • Creating adgroups
  • Finding relevant adgroups options using tool
  • Creating adgroups using tool
  • Understanding keywords
  • Finding Relevant keywords
  • Adding keywords in ad-group using
  • Keyword planner tool
  • Understanding types of keywords
  • Board, Phrase, Exact, Synonym & Negative
  • Example of types of keywords
  • Creating ads
  • Understanding ad metrics Display & destination URL
  • How to write a compelling ad copy
  • Best & worst examples of ads creation ads
  • Tracking performance/conversion
  • What is conversion tracking why is it important
  • How to set up conversion tracking
  • Adding tracking code in your website
  • Checking conversion stats
  • Optimizing search campaigns remarketing
  • What is social media?
  • Understanding the existing social media
  • Paradigms & psychology
  • How social media marketing is different than others
  • Understanding facebook marketing practical session
  • Creating facebook page
  • Increasing fans on fan page
  • How to do marketing on fan page (with examples)
  • Fan engagement
  • Important apps to do fan page marketing
  • Facebook advertising
  • Types of facebook advertising
  • Best practices for facebook advertising
  • Targeting in ad campaign
  • Creating facebook advertising campaign
  • Payment module-CPC vs CPMCPA
  • Setting up Conversion tracking
  • Using power editor tool for adv.
  • What is linkedin
  • Understanding linkedin
  • Company profile vs individual
  • Profiles (Difference between individual and company profiles)
  • Understanding linkedin Groups (Manage Linkedin groups)
  • How to do marketing on linkedin groups
  • Linkedin advertising & its best practices
  • Increase ROI from linkedin ads
  • Linkedin publishing
  • Company pages
  • Understanding twitter
  • Tools to listen & measure influence on twitter
  • Tweetdeck, klout, peerlindex
  • How to do marketing on twitter
  • Black hat techniques of twitter
  • Marketing
  • Advertising on twitter
  • Creating campaigns
  • Types of ads
  • Tools of twitter marketing
  • Understanding video campaigns
  • Creating 1st video campaigns
  • Importance of video marketing
  • Benefits of video marketing
  • Using youtube for business
  • Developing youtube video for marketing strategy
  • Get traffic through youtube channel/video to your website
  • Creating video adgroup
  • Targeting options
  • Understanding bid strategies
  • Introduction to google analytics
  • How google analytics works
  • Understanding google analytics account structure
  • Understanding google analytics insights
  • Understanding cookie tracking
  • Types of cookie tracking used by google analytics
  • How to set up analytics account
  • How to add analytics code in website
  • Understanding goals & conversion how to setup goals?
  • Understanding different types of goals
  • Understanding bounce & bounce rate
  • Difference between exit rate & bounce rate how to reduce bounce rate
  • How to setup goals
  • Importance of funnels
  • How to integrate adwords and analytics account
  • Benefits of integrating adwords & analytics
  • Measuring performance of marketing campaigns via google analytics
  • Understanding filters & segments
  • How to set up filters & segments
  • How to view customized reports
  • Monitoring traffic sources
  • Monitoring Traffic behaviour
  • Taking corrective actions if required
  • Mobile web marketing
  • Understanding Mobile Devices
  • Mobile marketing and social media
  • Mobile marketing measurement & analytics
  • Fundamental of mobile marketing
  • App store optimization
  • Creating mobile website through wordpress
  • Advertising on mobile (App & Web)
  • Targeting ads on Apps Targeting via location
  • Targeting ads on search engine
  • Content marketing on mobile
  • Mobile strategy –segmentations option targeting and difference SMS Marketing
  • What is online reputation management
  • Why online reputation management
  • Understanding ORM scenario
  • How to deal with criticism online
  • Ways to create positive brand image online
  • Understanding tools for monitoring online reputation
  • Step by Step Guide to overcome nagtive online reputation
  • Best examples of online reputation management
  • What is adsense
  • How to get approved for adsense
  • Cool trck to get adsense approved by google
  • Using your adsense account interface placing ads on your blog
  • Creating blogs with our free theme
  • What is blogging
  • How to blog
  • What is wordpress & how to create with wordpress
  • WordPress themes & plugins
  • What is affiliates
  • How to join & earn with affiliates
  • Top Indian & worldwide bloggers
  • How to earn money with blogging
  • What is ecommerce
  • Top ecommerce website around the world
  • Ecommerce scenario in india
  • How to do SEO of an Ecommerce website
  • Why u need a solid ecommerce marketing strategy
  • Formulating right ecommerce marketing strategy
  • Ecommerce business
  • Case studies on Ecommerce website
  • What is appstore optimization
  • Keyword optimization
  • Tracking keywords
  • Use of keywords in apps
  • Use of app icon
  • Conversion rate optimization
  • Keyword research tools
  • Keywords placement
Digital Marketing Training

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